Bible Studies
"Nothing helps more powerfully against the devil, the world, the flesh, and all evil thoughts than occupying oneself with God's Word, having conversations about it, and contemplating it."
- Martin Luther
- Martin Luther
Sunday Morning Bible ClassEach Sunday, we offer a Bible Study in between our church services. We typically walk through a book of the Bible verse by verse for a deeper dive into Holy Scripture. We are currently studying the book of Genesis. Click below to watch videos of the class.
Tuesday Morning Bible ClassOur Tuesday Morning Bible Class is an additional study of Scripture offered during the week. This is also a verse-by-verse walkthrough of a book of Holy Scripture. We are currently studying 2 Samuel. Click below to watch videos of the class.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
2107 Three Oaks Road Cary, IL 60013 [email protected] 847-639-1702 Weekend Schedule Saturday: 2nd & 4th 5:30pm (traditional) Sunday: 8:30 AM (traditional) Sunday: 10:45 AM (contemporary) |