About Us
History of LutheranismWhile the beliefs of Lutheranism have been around since the Garden of Eden (check out our "What We Believe" page), a major part of our history began in the 16th century. Martin Luther, a monk in the Roman Catholic Church, began to see issues with certain church practices, such as indulgences and the infallibility of the Pope. In 1517, Luther posted his 95 Theses, which sparked what we know today as the Reformation. This was not a protest or a rebellion. Luther sought to reform the church to bring it back to the true Gospel rather than the works righteousness that was being taught and practiced. It was Rome's refusal to reform that eventually formed the denomination of Lutheranism.
History of the LCMSAs religious conflict grew in Europe, many Lutherans found themselves being persecuted for their Lutheranism and forced to follow either Roman Catholicism or Calvinism. Because their confession of the truth was so important, Lutherans sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to find freedom of worship over in America. As more and more Lutherans came over, many churches decided to join together to form a synod (literally means "walking together"). In 1847, they formed the synod originally named "The German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and Other States", which was shortened in 1947 to The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS).
History of Holy CrossHoly Cross Lutheran Church is located in Cary, IL (a northwest suburb of Chicago). It was established in 1911 as a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. The original location of the church was further down on First St. by the Cary Cemetary. In 1962, a new sanctuary was built at its current location on First St. and Three Oaks Rd. The building has gone through a number of expansions, the most recent of which, known as the LOFT (check out our "The L.O.F.T." page), was built in 2010. Since its founding, Holy Cross has sought to be a beacon of the Light of Christ to the people of Cary and beyond.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church's Mission
At Holy Cross we are:
"Inspired by Christ, Serving Under Christ, Growing in Christ"
"Inspired by Christ, Serving Under Christ, Growing in Christ"
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
2107 Three Oaks Road Cary, IL 60013 [email protected] 847-639-1702 Weekend Schedule Saturday: 5:30 PM (traditional) Sunday: 8:30 AM (traditional) Sunday: 10:45 AM (contemporary) |