Why do we give money to the church?
"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things." - Romans 11:36
Everything we have comes from God. Our money, possessions, job, family, even our own bodies are gifts given to us by God. He gives us these things out of His great love for us. The greatest gift He gives is salvation through His Son, Jesus, winning us eternal life.
It is out of that great love shown to us that we give back in thanks. We see this throughout Scripture (Genesis 28:22; Leviticus 27:30; Proverbs 3:9; Matthew 22:21). However, this giving is not done out of compulsion, but out of thankfulness and love of God, as St. Paul writes, "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." God has given us everything, so we consider it a small thing to give a portion of His gifts back to Him in thanksgiving.
It is by that giving of money to the church, or tithing, that the ministries of the Church can be funded and sustained. God has tasked His Church to make disciples of all nations and by giving money to the Church, you help the Church have the resources to carry out that mission.
Everything we have comes from God. Our money, possessions, job, family, even our own bodies are gifts given to us by God. He gives us these things out of His great love for us. The greatest gift He gives is salvation through His Son, Jesus, winning us eternal life.
It is out of that great love shown to us that we give back in thanks. We see this throughout Scripture (Genesis 28:22; Leviticus 27:30; Proverbs 3:9; Matthew 22:21). However, this giving is not done out of compulsion, but out of thankfulness and love of God, as St. Paul writes, "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." God has given us everything, so we consider it a small thing to give a portion of His gifts back to Him in thanksgiving.
It is by that giving of money to the church, or tithing, that the ministries of the Church can be funded and sustained. God has tasked His Church to make disciples of all nations and by giving money to the Church, you help the Church have the resources to carry out that mission.
Giving Options
Holy Cross offers many different ways that you can give to help support the mission of Christ's Church.
1. Checks – Can be given in three ways:
Attn: Financial Secretary
2107 Three Oaks Road
Cary, IL 60013
2. Bank Online Bill Payment:
Your bank should have means to pay bills online. Using their online "Bill Payment" process, you should be able to set up a payment to Holy Cross in the same fashion as paying a bill to your utility company, for instance. The money typically comes from your checking account (unless you decide otherwise), the bank then creates the check, and will send it to Holy Cross on your behalf on the date you designate. Your offering will go directly into the General Fund, unless you itemize it differently in the memo.
3. Secure Online Giving:
Click on the button below for simple and convenient online giving.
1. Checks – Can be given in three ways:
- Placed in the offering basket during weekend services
- Dropped off at the Holy Cross church office between 9:00am-3:00pm Monday-Friday
- Mailed to:
Attn: Financial Secretary
2107 Three Oaks Road
Cary, IL 60013
2. Bank Online Bill Payment:
Your bank should have means to pay bills online. Using their online "Bill Payment" process, you should be able to set up a payment to Holy Cross in the same fashion as paying a bill to your utility company, for instance. The money typically comes from your checking account (unless you decide otherwise), the bank then creates the check, and will send it to Holy Cross on your behalf on the date you designate. Your offering will go directly into the General Fund, unless you itemize it differently in the memo.
3. Secure Online Giving:
Click on the button below for simple and convenient online giving.
Thank you for supporting the ministry of Holy Cross!
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
2107 Three Oaks Road Cary, IL 60013 [email protected] 847-639-1702 Weekend Schedule Saturday: 2nd & 4th 5:30pm (traditional) Sunday: 8:30 AM (traditional) Sunday: 10:45 AM (contemporary) |