Living Our Faith Together (LOFT)
Contemporary Service Volunteer Ministry
Our 10:45 AM Sunday morning Contemporary service offers wonderful ways to Serve. There are plenty of opportunities from being part of the band to taking care of the Live Stream, worship slides, being a part of the welcome crew, or helping with the soundboard.
Contemporary Worship Band Singer
As a singer for the Loft service, we offer a way to use your voice to sing with our praise band for the contemporary service. We add music that connects with the service and helps to lead our congregation in song. We look for people who excited to be a part of a team as well as raising their voice to worship with their fellow members. We ask that you have some kind of music experience such as choir.
As a singer for the Loft service, we offer a way to use your voice to sing with our praise band for the contemporary service. We add music that connects with the service and helps to lead our congregation in song. We look for people who excited to be a part of a team as well as raising their voice to worship with their fellow members. We ask that you have some kind of music experience such as choir.
Contemporary Worship Musician
As a musician for the contemporary service, we look for someone skilled in the art of music who wishes to use their gifts to serve the contemporary service. Interest/knowledge of contemporary Christian music is helpful. We look to add to the service through our music both through lyric and sound. We welcome all kinds to be part of our team and look forward to having you as part of our team.
As a musician for the contemporary service, we look for someone skilled in the art of music who wishes to use their gifts to serve the contemporary service. Interest/knowledge of contemporary Christian music is helpful. We look to add to the service through our music both through lyric and sound. We welcome all kinds to be part of our team and look forward to having you as part of our team.
Powerpoint Slides Operator
As a slides/PowerPoint operator we look for someone who can keep focused and possibly has minor PowerPoint experience. All we ask is that you will know how to switch slides and keep up with where the service is and switch them at the right time.
As a slides/PowerPoint operator we look for someone who can keep focused and possibly has minor PowerPoint experience. All we ask is that you will know how to switch slides and keep up with where the service is and switch them at the right time.
Soundboard / Tech Assistant
As a soundboard tech for the LOFT service we look for someone who possibly has some experience with soundboards. If not, we are happy to show you how to use the board.
As a soundboard tech for the LOFT service we look for someone who possibly has some experience with soundboards. If not, we are happy to show you how to use the board.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
2107 Three Oaks Road Cary, IL 60013 [email protected] 847-639-1702 Weekend Schedule Saturday: 2nd & 4th 5:30pm (traditional) Sunday: 8:30 AM (traditional) Sunday: 10:45 AM (contemporary) |